Research Themes
Causal reasoning about human activity in video
This work, supported by the UK Ministry of Defence and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 demonstrates the first approach to producing high-level descriptions of activity direct from video. For results and more information see the following pages:, and estimation in video
This work was funded by the UK MOD and the 1851 Royal Commission. We demonstrate that sequences of low-resolution faces can be used to automatically estimate where people are looking. See some results here.Active Zoom control for intelligent surveillance
With funding from DSTL, The Royal Society and the Edinburgh Research Partnership we have begun an investigation into how high-level descriptions of activity can be used to control sets of Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras in order to maximise the resolution of imaged targets.3D LiDAR imaging and interpretation

Video analytics, human tracking and behavioural analysis

In the first case we have been examining the link between tracking algorithms and high-level human behavioural analysis, introducing action primitives that recover symbolic labels from tracked limb configurations. Our methodology uses hierarchical particle filters to track the several limbs, and hence build up a classification of human activity such as walking, running, throwing etc. These methods have been tested on a number of benchmark data sets such as the HumanEva and Caviar sequences.
In mobile vehicle video analysis, we have used variational methods to track deforming objects through the moving sequence. The problem is harder as the whole scene is in relative motion to the camera, and other objects (pedestrians, cars etc) move independently in the field of view. Further, we are working to incorporate algorithms in multi-sensor automobile systems for autonomous navigation and classification of traffic participants.
Embedded and parallel software implementations of array processing algorithms

- to provide dynamically reconfigurable hardware support for implementations of complex, dynamic signal processing algorithms;
- to develop new software tools and notations capable of exploiting this dynamic hardware through formal analyses of time and power usage; and
- to produce efficient parallel implementations of demanding signal processing applications.
Modelling and Simulation of MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels
Mobile-to-mobile communications find increasing applications in mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and intelligent transport systems, which require direct communication between a mobile transmitter and a mobile receiver over a wireless medium. Such mobile-to-mobile communication systems differ from the conventional cellular radio systems, where the Base Station is stationary and only the Mobile Station is moving. The employment of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver enables the so-called Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technologies to greatly improve the link reliability and increase the overall system capacity. This makes MIMO techniques very attractive for mobile-to-mobile communication systems. For the design and test of such MIMO mobile-to-mobile systems, we need to have a thorough understanding and an accurate modelling of the underlying channels. The goal of this project is to develop reference and simulation models for MIMO mobile-to-mobile fading channels and investigate their statistical properties.Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio Networks
The radio spectrum is becoming increasingly scarce due to the wide deployment of wireless devices. On the other hand, measurement campaigns have shown that a large portion of the radio spectrum is either unused or under-utilized across time and/or space. This imbalance between the spectrum scarcity and low spectrum utilization motivates the development of innovative technologies to improve the spectrum utilization. The concept of cognitive radio (CR) has therefore been proposed to allow a CR (secondary) network to “borrow” and reuse the radio spectrum from a licensed (primary) network, under the condition that no harmful interference is caused to the incumbent primary service. Due to the interference-tolerant characteristics of primary users and spectrum sharing nature of CR users, both primary and CR networks inevitably operate in an interference-intensive environment. The goal of this project is to model, evaluate, manage and cancel the interference in CR networks.Error Models for Digital Channels and Applications to Wireless Communication Systems
Channel models for describing the statistical structure of bursty error sequences in digital wireless channels are called error models, which have wide applications to the design and performance evaluation of error control schemes as well as high layer wireless communication protocols. To satisfy the stringent requirements specified by the communication standards, one often has to carry out time-consuming performance simulations of a wireless communication system with different channel conditions and different physical layer techniques. If the underlying digital wireless channels are replaced by the generated error sequences with the desired statistics, we can greatly speed up performance simulations. This is absolutely crucial to industry since the product cycle can significantly be reduced and a leading market can be secured. For this purpose, fast error generation mechanisms (generative models) are necessary to be developed for generating numerous long error sequences which can be stored in the computer for future simulations of the system and higher layer protocols. This project aims to develop generative models for wireless sensor networks and apply the developed models to the design and performance evaluation of wireless communication protocols.Aperture Synthesis and mm-wave imaging
Click here for further details (8 MB ppt)Wavefront Coding

Download here a presentation with more details on this subject. (8 MB ppt)
Active Zoom control for intelligent surveillance
With funding from DSTL, The Royal Society and the Edinburgh Research Partnership we have begun an investigation into how high-level descriptions of activity can be used to control sets of Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras in order to maximise the resolution of imaged targets.Computational Imaging

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Supervised Classification

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3D Surface Reconstruction and Image Restoration

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